Knowledge Ecosystems in the new European Research Area

As member of the Steering Committee of the European Commission’s Project Knowledge Ecosystems, Reichert contributed to the large-scale study which addresses the need for a strengthened European Research Area (ERA) through enhanced interconnected Knowledge Ecosystems or ERA Knowledge Hubs across Europe. By collecting strategic intelligence and piloting potential measures, the study contributes to the implementation of the ERA Communication in relation to four of its strategic priorities: ’Nourishing talents for excellence’, ‘European Research Career Framework’, ‘Strengthening the public science system through synergies with the European Education Area’, and ‘Strengthening innovation ecosystems for knowledge circulation and valorisation’. The study investigates the organisation and spread of ecosystems at EU, national, regional and local levels, the role of universities and research organisations, the circulation of knowledge by individual researchers and innovation talents, as well as the potential  legal  and  financial  measures to  support research careers and cooperation. It consists of a set of in-depth analyses on the above mentioned themes that were published in 2022 and can be downloaded here.