- Wie orchestrieren wir den Kulturwandel? Internationale Wegweiser für eine “Währungsreform” in der Hochschulentwicklung, Konferenz Handlungskoordination in Hochschulen, Heilbronn, 4-5 May 2023
- Learning and teaching for transformational capacity: Today’s needs for learning and teaching innovation imply integrated institutional transformation, EUA Learning and Teaching Forum 2021, 18 February 2021.
- Regionale Kooperation von Hochschulen – Bremen im Vergleich mit internationalen und nationalen Benchmarks. Pressekonferenz zur Veröffentlichung der Studie im Auftrag der Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse, 2 February 2021.
- The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, Keynote at Technological Universities Symposium: University-Employer Partnerships for Digital Competencies. Dublin, 11 February 2020.
- Regional Innovation Dynamics, Keynote at sTARTUp, International Start-up Venture Competition at Tartu University, 31 January 2020.
- Die Rolle der Hochschulen in regionalen Innovationsökosystemen, Berliner Transferkonferenz, Hochschulallianz für den Mittelstand , Berlin, 29 January 2020.
- The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation for Global Challenges, Keynote at ACA Conference The Engaged University. Linking the Global and the Local, Bled (Slovenia), 17 October 2019.
- Exzellenzinitiative und ihre systemischen Auswirkungen, Presentation at Landesarbeitsgruppe Hochschule Forschung, Technologie of the Green Party, Munich, 29 September 2019.
- Reichert, S., The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, Hochschulkonferenz des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien, 26 June 2019
- Reichert, , Die Rolle der Universitäten in regionalen Innovationsökosystemen, Europa-Workshop der niedersächsischen Hochschulkonferenz, 28 June 2019
- Reichert, S., The International Dimension of Regional Innovation at Universities, Keynote at Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Workshop, Aurora University Network Workshop, Grenoble, 28 May 2019
- Reichert, S., The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, Presentation at EUA Annual Conference (https://eua.eu/events/31:2019-eua-annual-conference.html) , Paris,12 April 2019
- Reichert, S., The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, Aalto University, Helsinki/Espoo,10 April 2019
- Reichert, S., Innovationsräume der konnektiven Universität: Von der Kooperation zur Kokreation an den Hochschulen der 4.Generation, Abschlussvortrag der Konferenz “Zukunft Lernwelt Hochschule”, Bildungscampus Heilbronn 29 March 2019
- Reichert, S., The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, Brussels, 7 March 2019
- Reichert, S., The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, EUA Leadership Workshop, Aalborg, 1 February 2019
- Reichert, S., Universität 2050: Herausforderungen und Entwicklungstrends, Keynote-Vortrag vor dem Ausschuss Bildung und Gesellschaft der Industriellenvereinigung, Wien, Haus der Industrie, 30 January 2019
- Nurturing Innovation: New Connective Formats of University Development, Presentation at U4 Leadership Programme, Göttingen, 17 January 2019
- The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems, Brussels EUA Advisory Board, 26 November 2018
- Die Rolle der Universitäten in regionalen Innovationsystemen, Plenarvortrag der Jahrestagung zur Rolle der Hochschulen in der Region der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Transferstellen der Bayerischen Hochschulen (TBH), Kloster Banz, 20 November 2018
- Qualtitätsstandard oder leeres Ritual? Begutachtungen in der Diskussion, Abschlussplenum der Tagung, Wien, 9 November 2018
- Forschungsumgebung Österreich und Podiumsdiskussion der Jahrestagung der AQ Austria Forschung fördern – Rahmenbedingungen gestalten, Wien, 27-28 September 2018
- Die „konnektive“ Universität zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit, Workshop Ministry for Education and Science, Vienna, 13 September 2017
- University Autonomy and Academic Freedom, Plenary Presentation, EUA Annual Conference, 7 April 2017
- Chancen, Grenzen, Herausforderungen deutscher Universitäten im Exzellenzwettbewerb, Erlangen, 20 March 2017
- Institutionelle und politische Bedingungen für Grundlagenforschung, Erlangen, 8 March 2017
- Jenseits der Dualität von Wissenschaft und Verwaltung – Universitätsgovernance im 21. Jahrhundert, BMWFW Veranstaltung: Governance in Wissenschaft und Forschung. Erfolgsfaktoren der Universitätsentwicklung, 19 January 2017
- Berufungsprozesse im internationalen Vergleich, Keynote presentation for the Strategy-Workshop of the Free University Berlin, 13 January 2017
- Developing a Competitive Human Resource Policy for a Research University, Strategy colloquium of the Steering Committee Université de Lyon, 30 September 2016
- Erfolgsfaktoren für die Zusammenführung von Fach- und Wissenschaftsbereichen, Workshop „NAWI Graz Center of Physics“, Graz, 11 October 2016
- Profilbildung und Positionierung von Universitäten im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative, Colloquium Die Evaluation der deutschen Exzellenzinitiative der Veranstaltungsreihe „Innovationssysteme im Vergleich“ des Österreichischen BMWFW/ WWTF / fteval /FWF, Vienna, 3 June 2016
- Profilbildung und Positionierung von Universitäten „nach“ der Exzellenzinitiative, presentation at Price Waterhouse Coopers Expert Colloquium Deutsches Wissenschaftssystem – quo vadis? Munich, 20 February 2016
- Die Universität der Metropolregion Nürnberg: Hochschulstrategie und Standortentwicklung der FAU, 7. Bildungskonferenz der Stadt Nürnberg, 19 February 2016
- French Higher Education – 2020- An outside view. Colloque Quel enseignement supérieur pour la France en 2020 ? Paris: Université Paris Dauphine, 6 October 2015
- Aufbau des Internationalen Marketings an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Impulsreferat, Bonn: GATE/ DAAD-Kongress 3 July 2015
- Die Universität von Morgen – FAU 2015, key note presentation at „Future workshop“ „Vernetzt“ of the Agentur für Arbeit, Erlangen, 23 April 2015
- Hochschulmanagement 2015, key note presentation at the SPD Women’s Day, Erlangen, 8 March 2015
- Internationalisierung in der Verwaltung, Impulsreferat Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK), Bonn, 1 December 2014
- Podium discussion „Wohin geht die Universität? – quo vadis universitas?“ Jahrestagung des Österreichischen Wissenschaftsrats, Albertina, Vienna, 7 November 2014
- Nurturing Strategic Partnerships at FAU, Vortrag beim DAAD/ CAPES Workshop on Strategic Partnerships, Brasilia, 18 September 2014
- Die Wissensregion als Fokus der Strategieentwicklung der FAU. Die Universität als Motor der Metropolregion, Workshop of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Wissenschaftsregionen: Regional verankert, global sichtbar, Berlin, 13 October 2014
- Universités: vers les partenariats stratégiques cohérents? Key note presentation „Comment mobiliser les ressources autour d’un projet stratégique“ at Colloque de l’ Association nationale recherche technologie et de FutuRIS sur les universités, Paris, 24 September 2014
- Dual Career Service im Spannungsfeld zwischen Individualberatung und Hochschulentwicklung. Introductory presentation at Dual Career Netzwerk Deutschland, Nürnberg, 15 May 2014
- Internationalisierung an Universitäten: Routine oder Herausforderung? Rotary Club Nürnberg, 24 February 2014
- Grenzen der Evaluation, (On the Limits of Evaluation), Presentation at plenary session of the Swiss Science and Innovation Council, Bern, 23 April 2013
- Von neuer Macht und Ohnmacht an unseren Universitäten, Internationale Tagung des Konstanzer Wissenschaftsforums, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1 March 2013
- Dual Careers im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rekrutierung von SpitzenwissenschaftlerInnen und Gleichstellung, Dual Career Workshop, Universität Konstanz, 8 Oktober 2012
- Approaches to Institutional Diversity and Differentiation: Zooming in on a Moving Target. Presentation for the European Higher Education Researchers’ Conference, Bucharest, 17 October 2011
- Do we face a new landscape of Higher Education in the Future? Presentation at the Conference “Higher Education Shaping Individuals and Society” of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, Malmö, 15 March 2011
- Institutional Diversity in European Higher Education: Challenges for Policymakers and Heads of Institutions. Plenary Presentation at the EUA Annual Conference, Palermo, 22 October 2010
- Of Crumbling Ivory Towers and Rising Knowledge Hubs – Opportunities and Limits of University Engagement in a Globalised World. Keynote presentation at the Centennial Celebration of NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Trondheim, 15 September 2010
- Weiterbildung Quo Vadis, Podium discussion at the KFH Workshop on “Weiterbildung an Hochschulen – Wie wird Theorie für die Praxis wirksam gemacht?, Luzern, 26 January 2010
- How have the Bologna Reforms changed European Higher Education and promoted Student Centered Learning, Plenary presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), Washington, 21 January 2010
- Institutional Diversity in European Higher Education between Multiple Approaches and Complex Realities, EUA Council Meeting, Giessen, 8 October 2009
- Kooperation zwischen Hochschulen in der Schweiz: Rahmenbedingungen, Erfolgsfaktoren, Hindernisse. Presentation at the Plenary Session of the Swiss Science and Technology Council (SWTR), Bern, 10 September 2009
- Kooperation zwischen Hochschulen in der Schweiz. Presentation at the Council Meeting of the Swiss Science and Technology Council (SWTR), Bern, 14 May 2009
- Bologna: From Vision to Reality, Presentation for the LASPAU (Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas) Program on Curriculum Innovation, MIT, Cambridge, USA, 21 April 2009
- Speed Dating with Bologna: What is it all about? Presentation with Prof. Tim Birtwistle at the Launch Meeting of the Tuning Project in the USA, Lumina Foundation of Education, Chicago, 6 April 2009
- Institutional Diversity in European Higher Education, Plenary Presentation at the European University Association Bi-Annual Conference, Prague, 20 March 2009
- Zwischen öffentlichem Auftrag und privatem Nutzen: Universitäre Weiterbildung in der Schweiz, Colloquium for Prof. Karl Weber, Bern, 16 January 2009
- The Beauty and the Beast: Opportunities and Success Factors of Quality Assurance at Universities. Plenary Introduction of the Norwegian Quality Assurance Forum, Oslo, 22 September 2008
- The Bologna Process after 2010, Presentation at the Plenary Podium Discussion, EAIE Conference, Antwerp, 11 September 2008
- Mapping Institutional Diversity in the European Higher Education Area, CEIHE (Classification of European Institutions of Higher Education) Final Conference, Berlin, 11 July 2008
- The Slovak Higher Education System and its Research Capacity
An EUA System Evaluation Report. Keynote Presentation at the Conference “Sector Report on the State of Higher Education in the Slovak Republic“, organised by The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (ME SR), The Slovak Rectors’ Conference (SRC) and The European University Association (EUA), Bratislava, 19 February 2008
- Current trends in the development of PhD programs. Presentation at the National Meeting of Doctoral Supervisors in Public Health/Epidemiology, Basel, 5 February 2008
- Évaluation et prise de décision intégrée à l’initiative de l’établissement. Presentation at the Colloque international « Enseignement supérieur et recherche : des évaluations à la décision », organised by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche and AERES (l’Agence d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur), Paris, 7 December 2007
- The Relation between Quality Assurance and the Modernisation of European Universities, Seminario: Facultades y escuelas ante el desafío de la cultura de calidad, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 23 November 2007
- Looking back – looking forward : Quality Assurance and the Bologna Process. Keynote Presentation at the 2nd European Forum for Quality Assurance, Rome, Università La Sapienza, 15 November 2007
- La formation continue aux universiés suisses : résultats d’une étude du SER. Keynote Presentation at Conférence-Debat on “Formation continue universitaire en Suisse: Etats des lieux et perspectives dans le contexte européen, Université de Genève, Geneva, 4 October 2007
- Triple Helix Revisited: Developing Knowledge Regions in Europe. Presentation for the EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme, Copenhagen, 30 September 2007
- Doktoratsausbildung an der Universität Basel: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven im internationalen Kontext. Universität Basel, 7 September 2007
- Triple Helix Revisited: Developing Knowledge Regions in Europe. Presentation at the University of Cyprus, Nikosia, 4 September 2007
- Research Strategy Development at European Universities: Challenges and Opportunities, Universidad de Barcelona, 6 June 2007
- Les nouveaux enjeux de la formation doctorale en Europe. CUSO (Conférence des Universités Suisses Orientales) Workshop, Neuchâtel, 11 Mai 2007
- Governance, Financing and Quality Assurance in Higher Education in China and Switzerland: Ways Forward. Introductory and Concluding Presentations as President of the International Search Conference on Governance, Financing and Quality Assurance in Higher Education in China and Switzerland, ETH Zürich, 18-19 April 2007
- Strategies for University Research: a European Comparison. Presentation for the EUA University Convention, Lisbon, 29 March 2007
- Vom Europäischen zum Transatlantischen Hochschulraum? Presentation at the Final Conference of the Bologna Competence Center of the German Rectors Conference (HRK), Bonn, 26 March 2007
- Universities at the Core of Knowledge Regions. Presentation for the Institutional Leaders Forum 2007 on “The extended societal role of universities” at the University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 22 January 2007
- The Rise of Knowledge Regions in Europe. Results of an EUA study. Plenary presentation at the EUA Conference, Brno, 20 October 2006
- Doctoral Education in Transition: Opportunities and Challenges for Swiss Doctoral Education. And Widening Demands on Universities: Challenges for Higher Education Research. Presentations at the CEST (Center of Science and Technology Studies) Workshop. Bern, 6 October 2006
- Quality of Higher Education Improvement: Trends and Challenges.Presentation for the CIDUI 4th International Congress of University Teaching and Innovation. Barcelona, July 5th, 2006
- Strategies for University Research: a European Comparison. Presentation for the IUQP 4th Annual International Conference on Advancing Research in Ireland. Dublin, May 5th, 2006 http://www.reichertconsulting.ch/downloads/Research Strategies_Dublin.ppt
- Doctoral Education: The Next Focus of Higher Education Reforms. Vortrag an der fünften schweizerischen Bologna-Tagung: Der Übergang vom Bachelor zum Master. Lausanne, March 8th, 2006
- The Institutional Benefits of Joint Degree Programmes. Presentation at 150 Year Anniversary Conference “ETH Visions – Encounters with the Future. Sharing Knowledge with Global Partners.” Zürich, 18 November 2005
- Globalisation – how will Europe and European Universities compete? Introductory lecture at a conference on the future of the University of Copenhagen in the global knowledge society. Copenhagen, 28 October 2005
- Implicationes estratégicas para las universidadesy resultados del estudio “Trends IV”. Speech at the Eurobask Conference: El Futuro Espacio Universitario Europeo. Una Visíon Desde Euskadi. Bilbao, 24 October 2005
- Research Strategies at European Universities: A Comparative Study of Strategy Development and Implementation at 10 Research-intensive Universities. Presentation at the EUA Conference: “Research in European Universities: Strategies and Funding”, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, 20-22 October 2005
- The Bologna Process: Strategic Implications. Keynote speech at the EAIE/EUA/UAB Bologna Seminar. Barcelona, 1 July 2005
- Trends IV: Main Findings and Conclusions. Keynote speech at the Danish Rectors’ Conference Seminar. Copenhagen, 17 June 2005
- Doctoral Studies and the Synergy between Higher Education and Research. Rapporteur of a parallel session at the Bergen Ministerial Conference. Bergen, 19 May, 2005
- Trends IV: Main Findings and Conclusions. Keynote presentation at the Joint EAIR-EAIE Seminar on the European dimension of the internationalisation in Higher Education. Amsterdam, 22 April 2005
- Progress towards the European Higher Education Area: First Results of the New Trends Report. Keynote speech at the Fifth European Policy Seminar of the Academic Cooperation Association. Brussels, 15 April 2005
- The Bologna Process: European Universities on their Toes. Speech at the Conference on Graduate Education and American Competitiveness. Washington D.C., 9 March 2005
- Der Bologna Prozess: Bedeutung für institutionelle Entwicklung und Kommunikation. Präsentation an der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Hochschulpressestellen. Vienna, 22 September 2004
- The Bologna Process: what does it really mean for the universities? Presentation for the 16th EAIE Annual Conference 2004. Torino, 16 September 2004
- Warum braucht eine internationale Universität eine Strategie zur Internationalisierung? Inputreferat für die Eröffnungssitzung der Kommission Internationale Beziehungen der Universität Zürich. Zurich, 22 April 2004
- Strategic Implications – a Perspective from Mainland Europe. Keynote Presentation at the Symposium on “The strategic implications of the Bologna Process for British Higher Education”, organised by the European Association of International Education and Leeds Metropolitan University. Leeds, 30 January 2004
- Progress toward the European Higher Education Area: Results from the Trends III Study. Presentation with C. Tauch at the European University Convention, Graz, March 2003
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